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nature is the best classroom


Ocean State Kids (OSK*) is a nonprofit organization founded on the belief that nature is the ultimate classroom. Through outdoor education and nature play, we offer early childhood experiences that cater to each child’s developmental needs. We emphasize the importance of parent involvement, aiming to empower parents to become their child’s most influential teacher and advocate. Your role as a parent is crucial in nurturing a lifelong passion for learning.


Why do we do it?


Because Ocean State Kids is committed to protecting childhood at all costs — meeting children’s needs without imposing rules, assessments, or societal pressures. We aim to equip parents with the tools and resources to consciously connect with their families, and lastly, we like to provide a space for a child’s natural sense of wonder and curiosity to flourish.


Kids learn best when they have the freedom to pursue their interests in a supportive environment and OSK believes that nature is the best classroom.  By nurturing creativity & curiosity in the great outdoors, we are igniting their desire to understand the world around them and raising all-around awesome humans.

ocean state kids outdoor learning and na


current programs

current programs

Ocean State Kids Outdoor Learning + Nature Playhroom-Blue_3x.png
Ocean State Kids Outdoor Learning + Nature Play
Ocean State Kids Outdoor Learning + Nature Play
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Ocean State Kids Outdoor Learning + Nature Play
Ocean State Kids Outdoor Learning + Nature PlayGreen_3x.png
Ocean State Kids Outdoor Learning + Nature Play
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Ocean State Kids Outdoor Learning + Nature Play
Ocean State Kids Outdoor Learning + Nature Play
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Ocean State Kids Outdoor Learning + Nature Play
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Ocean State Kids Outdoor Learning + Nature Play

Program membership donation

Program Memberships vary, however, all programs offer similar learning benefits.

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learning materials

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teaching guidance

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musical performances

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nurture notes

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curated creative curriculum

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printable worksheets

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outdoor access

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and much more along the way!

ocean state kids outdoor learning and nature play rhode island 10 frame learning worksheet
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Any family who is passionate about outdoor learning and spending as much time as possible with their children, you are in the right place. If you are interested, even slightly curious, in starting your own group, we have the resources and experience to help you.

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